One Bread, One Body
The Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (also named Lay Carmelites) is a branch of the religious Carmelite Order of the Ancient Observance and was established in 1476 by Pope Sixtus IV. It is an association of lay people who choose to live the Gospel in the spirit of the Carmelite Order and under its guidance. The Carmelites known for devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary under her title as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Please call Tony Pilo for more information at 570-622-5380.
For 40 years, our St. Patrick Pottsville Area Kitchen has served thousands of meals! They have done a magnificent job of living the Gospel!
The hours are: Monday through Thursday - Dinner at 6 pm
Saturday through Sunday - Dinner at Noon
Friday - No hours
The address is 504 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville
To volunteer, give donations, or any other questions, please call Terry Alexander at 570-617-2957
Since 2011, a group of dedicated people form a team to plan a yearly adult retreat. They work very diligently to foster the faith of all who attend so that they can learn how to pray, evangelize, and become closer to their Parish family. Through the sacrifice of this wonderful group, many good things have happened to many people. Each Fall, the Retreat Team starts the arduous process of picking a theme, and centering talks, discussion, and prayer around the theme, and encouraging people to attend the Retreat. Watch the bulletin for the next Retreat so that you can experience the inner workings of the Holy Spirit through an awesome Retreat Team!
The Church of St. Patrick relies heavily on the support of people who volunteer their time, talent, and treasure. We continue to need volunteers for our activities for all ages. It is indeed a sacrifice to volunteer, but in the end, very worthwhile. Please know that volunteers are needed in all aspects of the Parish. Whether it is helping out in the Parish office, assisting at a fundraiser, or helping with tasks in the Rectory, volunteers are often needed and greatly appreciated. Is there anything you can do to help our Parish continue to thrive??? Raise your hand, and help make a difference!
We know that our volunteers freely offer themselves without any
financial compensation. They literally sacrifice for the betterment of others, and we are very grateful to them.
All teens in Grades 8 through 12 are invited to join our Teen Group. Teens will get service hours for our Parish/Community projects, and will get a chance to socialize with Catholic kids in our Church. Please call Debbie at the Parish Office for more information and for the next meeting date!
There are so many other organizations that we can have here at St. Patrick if we have the leadership and support of our parishioners. Is there a group that you think might benefit the Parish? If so, please make an appointment with Fr. Rodgers and let's get the ball rolling. The more we can get the word out about "Jesus Christ", the better!!!